PhotoSafari with me












<< This was a “Trip of a lifetime” and I will always have the images of Kenya and the Massai Mara in my mind, backed up by my computer. Thanks for your great photographic leadership.>> Alan.

<<The whole trip was like a beautiful dream full of unbelievable people and the plains of Kenya with its amazing animals, who poop before they fly off !!!! It was my best adventure ever and I thank you and the participants for it.>> Jerry.

Read what our guests say:

“My husband and I have traveled all over the world, and have learned that sometimes things don’t meet our expectations. This was not the case with Gamewatchers – the safari experience they arranged for us exceeded my expectations on every level. From the moment we landed in Nairobi, everything was taken care of – from the airport pickups and transfers, to making sure we were comfortable in our hotel before heading out to the camps, to dietary restrictions and special needs – they do it all. Our Masaai guides gave us the experience of a lifetime. Excellent food, accommodations and care… breakfasts in the field, nightly sundowners – and a professional photographer to teach us how to take great safari shots! I couldn’t recommend this authentic experience any more highly. We were treated like family, and I can’t wait to return again and again. Thank you Gamewatchers!” Patti Pagliei 

“I am not a photographer, but even with my point and shoot bridge camera and limited experience I was able to put together some nice shots. Paolo encouraged us to see things differently and of course, having lived in Kenya for years he knows where to look! He and the Porini guides and drivers made a great team. Paolo has a very easy way of working, letting things emerge and responding with his expertise and ideas when needed, gently guiding things along. And he was also a lot of fun to be with!” Denise Finney

“Paolo did not disappoint. He worked with our guide and drivers to help find the best angle and lighting. He helped us in our settings in difficult lighting situations. He never told us exactly what to do, but worked with us so we would learn how to find the answer ourselves. I feel that there are photographic lessons that I learned during these 7 days with Paolo that will stay with me forever. He has a great knowledge of the culture and animal behavior. His sense of humor was spot on. In fact, this will not be the last trip we take with Paolo. He is stuck with us as friends forever now!” Tori Bohn 


Il Kenya non ha bisogno di presentazioni dato che i suoi animali e paesaggi mozzafiato sono stati filmati e fotografati dai piu’ grandi documentaristi del mondo.

Senza altre esitazioni possiamo a questo punto cominciare ad organizzare il tanto desiderato viaggio in terra africana, che puo’ svolgersi praticamente durante tutto l’arco dell’anno tra gli innumerevoli Parchi e Riserve di cui e’ disseminato il territorio Kenyota.  Puo’ essere il Maasai Mara, oppure l’Amboseli o il Samburu, ma anche una combinazione tra vari ecosistemi, oppure gli infiniti deserti del Nord. Non poniamo limiti alla voglia di viaggiare e scoprire.

In safari utilizzo sempre stutture all’interno delle riserve, evitando alloggiamenti sui confini, o addirittura al di fuori delle stesse, che pur offrendo prezzi ridotti, costringono ad interminabili spostamenti in fuoristrada perdendo cosi’ i migliori momenti di luce, e le ore in cui gli animali in savana sono piu’ attivi.

Io quindi prediligo selezionati campi tendati con basso impatto ambientale, piccoli e di ottima qualita’, ben all’interno delle riserve stesse e normalmente allocati tra le macchie di boscaglia che punteggiano la savana, virtualmente circondati dagli animali che si vogliono osservare e fotografare.

Queste piccole strutture permettono di realizzare cio’ per cui si e’ tanto viaggiato, offrendo le condizioni migliori per gli appassionati di natura e fotografia che convergono qui da tutte le nazioni del mondo.

Un altro aspetto fondamentale a cui dedico molta attenzione e’ il mezzo fuoristrada che deve essere assolutamente di ottima qualita’, perche’ trascorrere le giornate su una macchina affidabile, dotata di radio, e con un’efficiente assistenza tecnica alle spalle, riduce di gran lunga la possibilita’ di eventuali imprevisti. Al volante solo e sempre guide altamente professionali, che siano certificate, almeno come me, a livello bronzo del KPSGA.

Questi veicoli sono modificati per l’utilizzo fotografico con ampie finestre e supporti per bean bags, tetto apribile a pantografo, prese di corrente elettriche con inverter per 220 volts in caso di ricariche urgenti di batterie.

L’utilizzo del fuoristrada e’ esclusivo ed illimitato, permettendo cosi’ di gestire la giornata a piacimento, ed a seconda delle occasioni che si presenteranno sul campo, decidere se trattenersi fuori per colazione ( in genere sempre ) o a pranzo ( a seconda delle preferenze ). Quindi completa e totale liberta’ di azione, entro i vincoli di regolamento delle riserve, sfruttando la giornata in tutto e per tutto.

Durante il giorno saro’ sempre al vostro fianco per condividere le mie esperienze accumulate in tanti anni di Africa, aiutando a comprendere gli animali che incontreremo, i loro atteggiamenti e come imparare a conoscerli.

Aiutero’ ad ottenere il meglio dalle opportunita’ fotografiche che capiteranno, sfruttando al massimo la luce e le attrezzature fotografiche.

Alla sera, per chi non sara’ troppo stanco, discuteremo della giornata trascorsa, delle emozioni e delle occasioni vissute, delle fotografie scattate, e sperimenteremo insieme le basi della “post produzione” a computer, un aspetto ormai fondamentale e inseparabile dalla fotografia digitale.


Il Safari incominciera’ dall’aeroporto internazionale di Nairobi dove, con la guida ed il fuoristrada, vi accogliero’ all’arrivo. Sarebbe consigliabile un volo che atterri molto presto la mattina, in modo da partire subito verso la nostra destinazione, dove a seconda dell’orario di arrivo si organizzera’ il resto della giornata.

Dal giorno dopo, fin dall’alba,  full immersion nella savana, dove sara’ mio compito organizzare il programma a seconda delle informazioni sul campo, ed insieme decidere come sfruttare le varie opportunita’ che si presenteranno.

Nel caso in cui il volo di arrivo o di rientro fosse in orari particolarmente scomodi, si potra’ facilmente organizzare  un comodo pernottamento, anche all’interno dell’aeroporto stesso.

Benvenuti in Africa….


Kenya does not need any introduction as its animals and breathtaking landscapes have been filmed and photographed by the world’s greatest documentary filmmakers.

Without any other hesitation we can at this point begin to organize the much desired journey on African soil, which can take place practically throughout the year among the countless Parks and Reserves of which the Kenyota territory is scattered. It can be the Maasai Mara, or the “Amboseli or the Samburu, but also a combination of various ecosystems, or the infinite deserts of the North. We do not limit the desire to travel and discover.

In safari I always use campsite inside the reserves, avoiding housing on the borders, or even outside the same that, while offering reduced prices, force endless off-road travel to reach the real areas of interest, thus losing the best moments of light, and the hours when animals in the savannah are most active.

I therefore prefer selected tented camps with low environmental impact, small and of excellent quality, well within the reserves themselves and normally allocated among the dense bush spots that dot the savannah, to always be in the center of the action and virtually surrounded by the animals that you want to observe and photograph.

These small structures allow you to realize what you have traveled so much for, and I am in my long experience those that offer the best conditions for nature and photography enthusiasts who converge here from all the nations of the world.

Another fundamental point to which I pay a lot of attention is the off-road vehicle, which must be absolutely of excellent quality, because spending the days on a reliable machine, equipped with radio, and with efficient technical assistance behind it, greatly reduces the possibility of any unforeseen events. At the wheel only and always highly professional guides, who are certified, at least like me, at the bronze level of the KPSGA.

These vehicles are modified for photographic use with large windows and supports for bean bags, pantograph opening roof, electric power outlets with inverter for 220 volts in case of urgent battery recharges.

The use of off-road vehicles is exclusive and unlimited, thus allowing you to manage the day at will, and depending on the occasions that will appear on the field, decide whether to stay out for breakfast (usually always) or lunch (depending on your preferences). So complete and total freedom of action, within the rules of the Parks, taking advantage of the day in all.

During the day I will always be by your side to share my experiences accumulated in many years of Africa, helping to understand the animals we will meet, their attitudes and how to learn to know them.

I will help to get the best out of the photographic opportunities that will happen, making the most of light and photographic equipment.

In the evening, for those who will not be too tired, we will discuss the day spent, the emotions and occasions lived, the photographs taken, and we will experience together the basics of computer “post production”, an aspect now fundamental and inseparable from digital photography.


The Safari starts at Nairobi International Airport where, with the off-road vehicle, I will welcome you on arrival. It would be advisable to fly very early in the morning, so that we can leave immediately to our destination, where depending on the time the rest of the day will be organized.

From the next day, from dawn, full immersion in the savannah, and it will be my task to organize the program according to the information in the field, and at the same time decide how to take advantage of the various opportunities that will present themselves.

In case the arrival or return flight is at particular times, you can easily organize a comfortable overnight stay, even inside the airport itself.


Welcome to Africa…..